How to Schedule a Meeting?


Last Update één maand geleden

To schedule a meeting in Meet Hour. A user needs to follow these steps:

Login in to the Meet Hour account --> go to the Dashboard --> Click on the Schedule a Meeting button.

Fill the meeting details as shown in the screenshots

To invite the participants you need to select participants from the drop-down. If there are no participants added. Click on Add New User --> A pop-up will appear --> Fill in the details in the pop-up.

After adding a new user you can proceed with the other options.

Some options which are visible while Scheduling a Meeting are explained below

General Options: General options will be available to the users depending on their plans.

1) Guest user can join anytime: Any user who is not registered as a user on Meet Hour can join the meeting as a guest if this option is enabled. If a user wants to schedule a private meeting they can untick this box, any uninvited person cannot join the meeting.

2) Allow participants to join anytime: This option allows users to join a meeting Anytime. If this box is unchecked the portal will ask to allow participants to join before the scheduled time of the meeting.

3) Enable Lobby: Lobby mode allows participants to enter the meeting room with the host's permission.

4) LivePad: LivePad is a real-time document collaboration tool. it is best suited for Schools, Business Presentations, and Universities.

5) White Board: Our White Board technology allows users to scribble anything using Stylus, Trackpad, or Mouse.

Moderator Options: These options are available to the Moderator while scheduling the meeting. Depending on the usage, A Moderator can select these options.

1) Enable Recording: If a user wants to record the meeting they can enable this feature and select the recording storage service.

2) Auto-Start Recording: Tick the checkbox to auto-start the recording when the Moderator joins the meeting.

3) Mute participants upon entry: By enabling this option the Moderator can mute the audio of the participants upon entering the room. The participants can unmute the audio after joining the meeting.

4) Video mute participants upon entry: By using this option the Moderator can disable the video of participants upon entry. The participants can enable the video after joining the meeting.

5) Force mute participants: This option gives the Moderator the right to force mute the audio of the participants in the meeting. The participants can't unmute the audio. only a Moderator can enable audio of the participants.

6) Force video mute participants: By using this option the Moderator can force video mute the participants in the meeting. Only a Moderator can enable the participant's video.

7) Enable Livestream: You can conduct Livestream sessions on multiple platforms from the conference. You just need the stream key to do a Livestream on our platform.

8) Enable Embed Meeting: With this option, You can embed the meeting on your website with a code.

9) Donorbox visibility: If you want to raise donations from the Meeting enable this option.

10) Click & Pledge Connect: It is also a platform to raise donations from the Meeting.

11) Disable Screen Sharing for Guest: Tick the checkbox to Disable Screen Sharing for Guest.

Sound Controls: Meet Hour offers several sound control options to manage the sounds effectively. These options can be set when scheduling a meeting.

These are the sound controls available in Meet Hour

1) Disable Participant Entry Sound: Enabling this option will turn off the sound notification when a participant joins the meeting.

2) Disable Participant Exit Sound: Selecting this option will turn off the sound notification when a participant leaves the meeting.

3) Disable Lobby Sound for Moderator: This option allows moderators to turn off the sound notification that occurs when a participant is waiting in the lobby.

4) Disable Background Music in the Waiting Room: Checking this option will disable the background music played while participants wait in the waiting room.

These controls are designed to enhance your meeting experience by providing flexibility in managing sounds based on your preferences. 

You can also watch a YouTube video on how to Schedule a Meeting

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