How to turn on your video and add a virtual background


Last Update há um ano

If the Moderator has kept the camera to be on by default, On the Pre-join page the participant can see the current video and decide whether to join with Start/Stop Camera

If the participant want's to add a Virtual Background, On the Pre-join page Click on Select Background and choose the virtual background of your choice. You can also upload a JPG,PNG format image and add Blur effect in the background. After selecting background of your choice, Click on OK button.

When you're in the meeting, Click on the Start/Stop Camera in the middle of the meeting toolbar to control the camera.


While you're in the meeting, Click on More Actions in the meetings toolbar and click on Select Background, Select the background and click on OK button.

Note: Enabling Virtual Background can take lot of computation space. Make sure you have a high computation device. Otherwise, your system will be stuck and you will not be able to conduct the meeting smoothly.

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